Inaugural Conference of the International Transmembrane
Transporter Society:
“The Transporter Transition”
We would like to thank all of you for attending our first conference. With your support, the conference has been a great success. A summary of the conference can be found in our newsletter Vol 4 - Issue 2 October 2018.
Photos taken during the conference can be found here.
Diversity and Equity Policy
The International Transmembrane Transporter Society (ITTS) strives to achieve diversity across gender, race, ethnicity, geography and career stage in all aspects of their biennial meeting. The ITTS executive council endeavours to achieve this balance through diverse representation on the meeting organizing committees and session chairs as well as through invitation of high-quality speakers and the selection of speakers from the submitted abstracts in line with the diversity of our membership and field.
As part of this ‘Diversity and Equity Policy’, ITTS will use data collected during the registration and abstract submission process to ensure the conference program is balanced. The data collected for each meeting will be available on the ITTS website
The organisers are committed to making ITTS meetings productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality or religion. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Please see our ‘Code of Conduct’ for further details.
After receiving a large number of applications for a short talk slot, we are pleased to announce that all abstracts have now been evaluated and 12 young scientists are selected for a short oral presentation.
Since many very interesting poster abstracts have been submitted, we have decided to award prizes for the best poster. A committee will judge the posters according to poster layout, scientific content and poster presentation performance. The jury will do the poster evaluation during each poster session (also during the Cheese and Wine / Poster session).
Poster size: The maximum poster format is DIN A0 portrait (w=84,1 cm × h=118,9 cm or w=33.1 inches × h=46.8 inches).
The winners will receive beside a certificate for the first place EUR 300, the second place EUR 200, the third place EUR 100 and the fourth place a small present.
The award ceremony will take place on Friday, Sept 21 as part of the closing session to the awardees present. Therefore, it would definitely be advisable to wait for the conclusion of the conference.
Acknowledgements of Funding:
News Archive:
Young researchers who are applying for a short oral presentation in one of our Young Scientists sessions, need to send a confirmation of their position as proof to meet the requirements for this session (i.e., PhD-students, postdoctoral fellows up to 5 years after obtaining PhD).
Update 4: We are delighted to announce that ISN is providing $ 12,000 to support our early career investigators. We are pleased to be able to allocate this sum to our young scientists: if selected for a short oral presentation, 12 in total will receive considerable support for travel and accommodation to attend the conference and named as “Young ISN Neurochemistry Awardees”.
In July 2018, we will send an info mail to all participants regarding their acceptance status of poster or short talk application.
Outcome of the ITTS call for session proposals
Many individual points such as gender-balance, balance of junior/senior speakers, geographical distribution and scientific excellence of the proposals were taken into account. We believe that the Inaugural ITTS Conference offers a programme of highest scientific originality with a balance spread over the different themes to be covered within the society itself.
Update 1: We plan to support young investigators (i.e., PhD-students, postdoctoral fellows up to 5 years after obtaining PhD) by issuing grants to support their attendance. The amount of the grant cannot be set at this early stage as we will be applying for grants in the near future.
Update 2: The registration fee of all members of ITTS participating in the conference either as chair person or speaker in any session will be waived.
Call for Session Proposals
We are seeking novel and exciting proposals from investigators with a research focus on any aspect of transmembrane transporters. Individual proposals that are integrative and inclusive of multiple disciplines (e.g. molecular pharmacology, neurochemistry, animal behavior and clinical studies) are desirable. Proposals that are balanced both with respect to gender, seniority (a mix of junior and Senior faculty) and geographic location (i.e. not all speakers coming from the same institution) are strongly encouraged. Please note that both the balance (diversity of speakers) and scientific excellence of the proposal will be considered key criterion in the final selection process.
Update 3: The deadline for symposium proposal submission is Tuesday, January 16th, 2018.
Successful applicants will be notified in early February, 2018.
Symposia selected for the program will be allotted ~100 minutes and should be composed of no more than four speakers (~25 minutes/talk inclusive of questions). All conference participants will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses. Reduced registration fees will apply to ITTS members (regular annual Membership: US$ 50, biennial Membership: US$ 90; biennial Membership for student members & Emeritus Faculty members: US$ 40).
For consideration, please submit your proposal (in Word format) to with the following information (proposals not in this format will be returned):
Symposium Title
Brief description of subject area and the topics of each speaker (~250 words)
Name of Chair (and co-Chair, if applicable), email and affiliation. The Chair or Co-Chair must be an ITTS member.
Name, email, affiliation and tentative talk title for each speaker; verification of participation is required and an individual may speak in only one symposium.
Oral session(s) dedicated to young investigators (i.e. students, post-docs) will be included in the program.
Send proposals to no later than midnight (your local time) Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
Further conference details will be posted on the ITTS website as they become available. ITTS members will be notified by email when updates are made.
It is with great excitement that we announce the first, ITTS biennial conference, which is partially supported by SFB35. With the highly successful series of ten “SFB35: Transmembrane Transporters in Health and Disease”, now at an end, nothing seems more fitting than for ITTS to fill the void created with “its” own conference. To this end, the ITTS executive committee is in the thick of organizing the inaugural ITTS conference to be held in Vienna, September 18-21, 2018. In the tradition of SFB35, and under the experienced oversight of SFB35 organizer, and President of ITTS, Harald Sitte will lead the organizing committee, which comprises the ITTS executive committee and council, as well as local Viennese transportologists.
The conference format will comprise symposia, inclusive of all areas of transmembrane transporter research, a special session to highlight and promote talks given by young investigators, poster sessions, opening and closing plenary lectures, as well as social events including opening and closing dinner receptions.
The long-term goal is the establishment of a highly successful conference platform, occurring on a biennial basis, which promotes and emphasizes young transporter investigators, as well as the inclusion of women and minorities. A business meeting will be held at each conference, where the members will determine the venue for the subsequent ITTS meeting, and a chair for the local organizing committee will be identified. The intention is for the venue to shift to a new location across the globe each time, attract a wide audience, and provide a different ambiance each time.