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ITTS Symposium at ASPET

  • ASPET Annual Meeting 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego, CA USA (map)

Nancy Zahniser Memorial


The Dopamine Transporter in

Health and Disease

Symposium Co-Chairs: 

Habibeh Khoshbouei, Ph.D. (University of Florida)
Lynnette Daws, Ph.D. (University of Texas/San Antonio Health Sciences)


Dopamine Transporters and Psychostimulant Action: Lessons from Nancy 
Susan Amara - Scientific Director, Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology

Dopamine Transporters: Linking Obesity to Diabetes to Psychiatric Disorders 
Aurelio Galli - Professor, Director for Gastrointestinal Biology ResearchUniversity of Alabama, Birmingham

Cocaine Potency at the Dopamine Transporter: It’s Complicated! 
Sara Jones - Professor, Dept. of Physiology & Pharmacology, Wake Forest School of Medicine

Moving from Neuronal Transporter Structures to Clinically Relevant Therapeutics for Neurodegenerative Disorders 
Ulrik Gether - Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen

Modulation of Stimulant Actions by the Intertwining Activities of D2 Autoreceptors and PKCbeta 
Margaret Gnegy - Associate Chair, Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School

Additional talk(s) to be selected from submitted abstracts. 

For more details and to register for the ITTS

ASPET symposium, click here